

Victorinox Rover The Rover is a 58mm Victorinox Swiss Army Knife that is very similar to the Classic, exchanging the scissors for a 58mm combination tool.

Discontinued model.

Layer Tools

Regular Pen-blade and Emergency-blade Rovers
Regular Pen-blade and Emergency-blade Rovers

Scale Tools


This model comes with red and black or translucent green (emerald) Cellidor scales.


  1. 'Emergency Blade' Rover - This variation replaces the standard pen blade with a Wharncliffe style blade.
  2. Golfer Rover - This variation has a golfer's image on the front scale and a divot repair tool replacing the nail-file.
  3. With pen - The official name of this variation is not known, but was most likely only available as a promotional model similar to the Rally variation - the Talisman. On this model, as on the Talisman, the retractable pen replaces the toothpick.


Rover with pen
Rover with pen

Pre-1997 the cap-lifter tool did not have the wire stripper.
Victorinox ceased manufacturing of the flat tipped combination tool in the early 2000s and models with this tool are discontinued.


  • 0.6113: Standard model with red Cellidor scales

Related Models

  • Rally - Nearly identical, but has a Phillips head screwdriver at the tip of the cap-lifter tool
  • Classic - Scissors in place of the cap-lifter
  • Rogue - Adds scissors
  • Rambler - Adds scissors; Phillips screwdriver instead of flat edged screwdriver
Created by RedRamage. Last Modification: Wednesday 26 of February, 2020 00:09:17 CET by Huntsman.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

Additional Image Galleries Image