
Combo Tool


84/91mm Combo Tool
This tool typically replaces the cap-lifter and can-opener tools on some models, and is usually located in the position normally occupied by the small blade. It is noticeably thinner than its cousins, measuring only 1.44mm in width at the tang. The tool incorporates a flat head screwdriver, can-opener, cap-lifter (bottle-opener) and a wire-stripper. Later versions of the tool have a half-stop that allows the tool to catch for use in the 90º position.
The tool was listed as being introduced in 1982 on 84mm models and in 1986 on 91mm models, (1982 is in question, 1980 seems closer).
While they look very similar, the 84mm and 91mm combo tools are not the exactly the same. However, an 84mm combo tool will fit in a 91mm SAK, although it sits a little low in the frame, and will need to be 'drilled out' to fit the larger pins.

84/91mm Models with the Combo Tool

58mm Combination Tool with Flat Screwdriver
58mm Combination Tool with Flat Screwdriver

58mm Combo Tool
The current version features a cap-lifter, Phillips screwdriver, with a magnetised tip, and a wire-stripper.
The original version of this tool had a magnetic flat-edge screwdriver, instead of the Phillips driver, and no wire-stripper - see image right.

108mm Combo Tool
The 108mm combo tool is the largest version and features the unusual combination of a flat-head screwdriver, wood saw, can-opener, and cap-lifter. Some variations also have a nail-file/match striker on the side of the saw blade. It is found mostly on non-Victorinox manufactured GAKs. Earlier catalogues referred to this version as the Utility Tool.

111mm Combo Tool
This tool is nearly identical to its 84mm and 91mm counterparts. It has the same basic design shape and length, but the 111mm Combo tool has the advantage of being much thicker at the tang, measuring 1.96mm (just slightly less than the 2mm thickness of a typical 84 or 91mm cap-lifter).

GolfTool Combo Tool
This tool is unlike any other combination tool in that it is specifically made for use in the game of golf and is only available in the Golf Tool. It features a tee-punch, golf-club groove-cleaner, nail-file and bottle-opener.


65mm Combination Tool
65mm Combination Tool
85mm Combination Tool
85mm Combination Tool

65mm Combo Tool This tool incorporates a cap-lifter, wire-stripper and flat head screwdriver and is very similar to the original Victorinox 58mm combination tool.

85mm Combo Tool This tool functions as a flat head screwdriver, can-opener and bottle opener.

Created by Defender. Last Modification: Thursday 26 of May, 2022 04:19:27 CEST by Huntsman.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

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