

Image courtesy of Buzzbait from MultiTool.org

The SwissChamp was available in various special expanded pouches containing additional survival tools and equipment such as a compass, plasters (band-aids) and string. They were known as the SwissChamp SOS Kits or Survival Kits - for full SOS kit contents see the links below.

The SOS kits had three main colour combinations:

  • Red SwissChamps (1.6795) in a black leather pouch
  • Black SwissChamps (1.6795.3) in a black leather pouch
  • Red SwissChamps in an olive Nylon pouch

Other combinations may have existed in different markets.
The SOS kits were also available with Hoffritz branding from the Hoffritz company.

The SOS Kits appear to have been discontinued between 2017 and 2021 - see catalogues here.


Large SOS Kit in Display Case
Large SOS Kit in Display Case

Original / Small SOS Kit

Featured a large pouch containing a SwissChamp with added small side pockets.
This kit was renamed to be the Small SOS Kit  when the large kit became available in 1991.
Also known as SOS Kit Variation A in SAKWiki.

  • SOS kit contents: Here
  • Availability: 1985 –
  • Weight: 307g
  • Identifiers and Variations: The four digit US codes appear to be older number formats
    • 1.8810(.X1): : Single black leather pouch and red SwissChamp (US 5600 & 53511)
    • 1.8810.3: Single black leather pouch and black SwissChamp (US 5602 & 53513)
    • 1.8810.4(.04): Single olive-green Nylon pouch and red SwissChamp
      • 1985 - 1996

Deluxe SOS Kit with Maglite

Featured a slightly larger pouch which also contained a Maglite.
Also known as SOS Kit Variation B in SAKWiki.

  • SOS kit contents: As above but with added Maglite - Image here
    • Maglite instructions here
  • Availability: 1985 – ~1991
  • Identifiers and Variations:
    • 1.8812: Single black leather pouch and red SwissChamp (US 5603)
    • 1.8812.4 (1.8812.04): Single olive-green Nylon pouch and red SwissChamp

Large SOS Kit

This kit featured a dual large pouch with one pocket for the SwissChamp and another for the enlarged SOS kit.
This kit replaced the B version in approximately 1991 and the model code for the B version was re-used!
Also known as the Big / Deluxe Survival Kit ('Grosses' in German) and SOS Kit Variation C in SAKWiki.

  • SOS kit contents: Here
  • Availability: From 1991
  • Weight: 395g
  • Identifiers and Variations:
    • 1.8812: Dual black leather pouch and red SwissChamp (US 53521)
    • 1.8812.3: Dual black leather pouch and black SwissChamp
    • 1.8812.04: Dual olive-green Nylon pouch and red SwissChamp
      • 1991 – 1996

Large SOS Kit with Supertimer

This kit was the Large SOS kit, but with a SwissChamp SuperTimer (1.6796(.3) ) replacing the regular SwissChamp.
Also known as the SOS Kit Variation D in SAKWiki.

  • SOS kit contents: As above
  • Availability: 1991 - 2003
  • Identifiers and Variations: The model code was often suffixed with '(Uhr)' - which is German for watch
    • 1.8816: Dual black leather pouch and red SwissChamp SuperTimer
    • 1.8816.3: Dual black leather pouch and black SwissChamp SuperTimer
    • 1.8816.04: Dual olive-green Nylon pouch and red SwissChamp SuperTimer

SOS Kit Images 

Image courtesy of Max Stone from MultiTool.org Small Kit with Pouch
Image courtesy of Max Stone from MultiTool.org Large Kit - Tools Only
Image courtesy of Max Stone from MultiTool.org Large Kit with Pouch


Pouches and Accessories

The pouches had three size variations and two colour variations as indicated above. The pouches were also available with the Victorinox Global  logo.

Some pouches and accessories were sold separately from the SwissChamp, so a customer could put other SAKs into the pouch, or buy the accessories as individual items, or replacements. The accessory codes were 4.056x.yy, for example 4.0568.44 is the compass. Full parts list here.

Earlier leather pouches had loops on the side pockets, instead of Velcro and did not have the .03 extension on pouch number at the back. Number marking on the olive Nylon pouch was changed from .4  to .04, probably to avoid confusion from .X  being used for SwissChamp scale colour.

Pouch Images

Small Black Pouch

Small Drab-green Pouch

Large Black Pouch

Large Drab-green Pouch


Related Models

There are a couple of other model variations that have special pouches with additional accessories from the SOS Kits.

The Traveller Set is a Huntsman Plus packaged with a pouch, a Maglight flashlight and the multipurpose compass tool.
Instruction leaflet here.

The Expedition Kit is an Expedition Lite packaged with a pouch, a sharpening stone and the multipurpose compass tool.


Created by Max Stone. Last Modification: Monday 29 of April, 2024 14:02:32 CEST by Huntsman.

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